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A showcase of my work

Here is a selection of projects that I have worked on, demonstrating my expertise in various technologies and my ability to deliver high-quality solutions. These projects encompass a range of applications, from web and mobile apps to complex enterprise software systems.

Each project showcases different aspects of my skill set, including front-end development, back-end development, database management, and design. Click on any project to view more details and explore the technologies used.

My Projects

Pomodoro Timer

A productivity application based on the Pomodoro Technique to help users manage their time efficiently.

ReactReduxTailwind CSS

Personal Finance Tracker

A simple and intuitive app to help users track their income and expenses, set budgets, and save money.


Workout Log

A fitness app that allows users to log their workouts, track progress, and set fitness goals.


Habit Tracker

An app to help users build and maintain good habits with daily tracking and motivational features.

React NativeReduxFirebase

Recipe App

A recipe app that allows users to browse, search, and save their favorite recipes, with user-generated content.

Next.jsGraphQLApollo Client